The Republicans want to defend the sanctity of traditional marriage... you know, DOMA, "One man, one woman". Well that's fine with the demography in the following video.
David Petraeus, John Allen and Rock Stars... and don't forget the errant shirtless FBI agent. What do you call a person who chases groupies? ... a four star general?
"A groupie is a person who seeks emotional and sexual intimacy with a musician or other celebrity or public figure..." They all have Groupies, and remember rock stars have been known to share their groupies.
If it quacks like a duck, guess what? Its a duck or in this case a gaggle of groupies and four stars!
Robert Mueller should remember what the sign on Harry Truman's desk said, "The buck stops here".
It's time for Obama to replace Robert Mueller as the DFBI...
It appears that the FBI has started a sniping war against the CIA. Unfortunately their shot against the DCIA wounded the target, he resigned, but the FBI's partisan bumbling is out there for all to see.
Bob Mueller and his gang made a decision that Romney would be the next POTUS. However, they have been watching too much FOX News and believing what they saw. Obama won and as we all know elections have consequences.
We need a new DFBI who is a non partisan professional and not locked into the old cold war view that the CIA is a problem. The FBI and CIA are on the same bench. The FBI's failure to brief Senator Feinstein until three weeks after they read the Boehner gang in, is clear proof of a partisan bias at the FBI. Mueller has to go now...
It is time for Obama to replace Robert Mueller as the DFBI...
John Boehner, Eric Cantor, David Petraeus, Jill Kelley and the FBI... Senator Diane Feinstein Chairwoman of the United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence was not briefed by the FBI, on the DCIA Petraeusinvestigationuntil Friday morning, November 9, 2012.
However, Republican Speaker John Boehner and the house Republican whip Eric Cantor were informed by the FBI, mid October 2012. In fact Eric Cantor met with Jill Kelley possibly in Tampa, Florida in late October and interviewed her.
Boehner and Cantor were fully briefed by the FBI about the Petraeus investigation in mid October. Diane Feinstein was not briefed by FBI until last Friday. This all smells like another Linda Tripp partisan hatchet job by the Republicans.
National Security be dammed, why do Boehner etal think that The Chair of the United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence does not have a first right of need to know?
As Harry Truman said "If it waddles like a duck..." it's a breach of national security by the Republican House leadership.
9 November 2012 Yesterday afternoon, I went to the White House and asked the President to be allowed, for personal reasons, to resign from my position as D/CIA. After being married for over 37 years, I showed extremely poor judgment by engaging in an extramarital affair. Such behavior is unacceptable, both as a husband and as the leader of an organization such as ours. This afternoon, the President graciously accepted my resignation.
As I depart Langley, I want you to know that it has been the greatest of privileges to have served with you, the officers of our Nation's Silent Service, a work force that is truly exceptional in every regard. Indeed, you did extraordinary work on a host of critical missions during my time as director, and I am deeply grateful to you for that.
Teddy Roosevelt once observed that life's greatest gift is the opportunity to work hard at work worth doing. I will always treasure my opportunity to have done that with you and I will always regret the circumstances that brought that work with you to an end. Thank you for your extraordinary service to our country, and best wishes for continued success in the important endeavors that lie ahead for our country and our Agency.
With admiration and appreciation, David H. Petraeus
Pilgrims in the parking lot Arteries clogged with blood clots Pushing through the aisles of department stores Neon crosses and Christmas lights Credit card debts and brand new bikes The holidays are here and we're still at war
The rabbi reads from the testament The banker gazes at the year's investments Salvation santa's solicit for the poor Deception of democracy The philanderings of faux foreign policy The holidays are here and we're still at war
Smoggy skies and fixed elections Injustice strikes from all directions People with their backs against the floor Looking for someone to set us free A king with fists like Mohammad Ali The holidays are here and we're still at war
A mother knows what is best for you Even though it's hard to listen Your father knows he can count on you Though you couldn't count on him
Christopher Columbus knew Vasco De Gama and Magellan too The profits of oppression grow like never before All hail to the captalist thief And mourn your lost ones and covet our grief The holidays are here and we're still at war
Hurricane waters ravage southern towns And black and brown people are left to drown While the White House and the emergency management agency ignores Victims seek shelter in the Astrodome And the National Guard says 'Don't go home' The holidays are here and we're still at war
Police officers hassle the homeless Domestic disputes, alcohol and violence The jailhouse opens wide its door A corporation cuts a million employees And the factory is moving overseas The holidays are here and we're still at war
A mother knows what is best for you Even though it's hard to listen Your father knows he can count on you Though you couldn't count on him
Jesus sheds another tear Into a sea of two thousand years Into the eve of a new year once more Tears of joy, resolutions of sorrow Toast to health and wealth tomorrow The holidays are here and we're still at war
Religious wars and domination World trade and globalization The prices of petroleum soar Lonesome churches are packed with sinners Non-believers and new beginners The holidays are here and we're still at war
Say a prayer for the less fortunate Prisoners and soldiers you never have met Understand what it is they're fighting for Say a prayer for your enemies Say a prayer for the victims and their families The holidays are here and we're still at war
Yes, the holidays are here and we're still at war For another year, thanks Brett and all the best for the New Year
V is for victory. Yes we can and we can do it again and again.
Today we proved once more the impact of the Meg Whitman Maxim. 'Money is no longer the 'mothers milk' of American politics'. Whitman blew $200 million running against Jerry Brown, who spent $27 million and she lost. Over the last few months the Koch brothers, David H. Koch and Charles G. Koch, Sheldon Adelson and many other far right wing billionaires spent over $4 billion to do Obama in. The Republican Party spent the last four years doing all they could, to make Obama and the Democratic Party fail... and they were walked over by, 'We the people', the 99%.
We the 99% won in a land slide. Yes we did.
BTW, thanks for voting and helping to stick it to red Rupert Murdoch, the Koch brothers and all the other negative nay saying loosers on the right... the 1%
Good morning all, here is the Bennie book on today's election...
The next POTUS will be Obama
The Democrats will gain in the senate
The Democrats will gain in the House of Representatives, possibly even a majority
The really good news, Alan West will be out in Florida, Michele Bachmann will be out in Minnesota. Elizabeth Warren will win in Massachusetts, Claire McCaskill in Missouri.
Don't forget that god is a woman with a fierce sense of humor
Now get out and vote Obama and then... give him hell in 2013... to DO SOMETHING
On Thursday, June 21, 2012 I blogged
"The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything".
~Albert Einstein
Vote Obama
I blogged this on Friday, October 21, 2011
We are the 99% We Are the 99% (as we gather together)
Words by Occupy Wall Street, song by Nehemiah Luckett and Laura Newman Lead vocal Laura Newman, Reverend Billy & The Stop Shopping Gospel Choir Recorded at Theater for The New City, NYC by Jason Candler
I blogged this on Wednesday, April 13, 2011
HEY USA, it's your choice... A Third World USA or a few more taxes?
Meanwhile, the TSA is making us all safe... al-Qaeda and their friends have obtained much more than they could have imagined. Their actions have lead to the bankrupting of the USA and set the country onto a fast ride of paranoia and fear, to become a third world nation.
From his first day in office, GWB was hell bent to destroy the middle class and the Republicans did all the could to block Obama's efforts to improve things. WhenI was a young man, I called this 'a scorched earth retreat', I guess nothing much has changed...
The electorate stood by and let the Supreme Court decide that GWB should win the 2000 election, re-elected him in 2004 and filled the congress in 2008 with inexperienced legislators, who believe that "Me First" is best and that the USA is not on planet earth...
Iraq and Afghanistan will cost the USA half a trillion dollars this year, when you count the published budget, the black budget and the 'off the books' appropria- tions. The defense budget has increased by 85% in the last ten years and the US will spend more on defense this year, than the next five countries combined. $3.5 trillion was stolen from the Social Security Trust Fund and we are told that, "we can't afford to pay it back" All of this, while the domestic fabric of our nation is being disintegrated and dissociated. Well then the people must decide, as California's Governor Jerry Brown is doing his best to show all of us, we either pay a little more in taxes along with the cuts...