Monday, October 29, 2012

Revenge of the Creatives XLV

Through the Wormhole

Tracking Souls to the Afterlife

Don't squander your consciousness... 

Vote Obama

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Revenge of the Creatives XLIV


Women constitute more than half of the population. In 2008, 60% of voters were women. It is estimated that 10 million more women than men will vote in this election. Despite this, women make up only 16% of Congress. Women earn only 70 cents to each dollar men make. Women of color and undocumented women make less than white citizens. Mitt Romney and the Republican Party are determined to overturn Roe V. Wade. Romney has not supported equal pay for women (The Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act). Romney has vowed to defund Planned Parenthood. Romney has vowed to repeal the Affordable Care Act. Romney doesn't want health care to cover birth control. Romney says same sex marriage should be banned with a Constitutional Amendment.

Women, let's rise up. Our vote alone can win this election. A vote for Obama is a vote for your health and your right to choose. It is a vote for equal pay and equal rights. A vote for Obama is a vote for our families. It is a vote to marry who you choose. It's a vote to start a family when you choose. A vote for Obama says that we won't stand for violence against women and that rape is rape. Our vote ensures that our daughters will grow up with the same rights that we've had. A vote for Obama sends a message: This war on women must end. We will not go backwards.

This election is shockingly close. Our safety is at stake. Our silence is consent and our vote is our voice. Let’s get active. Let’s get out every vote we can. Let’s make this election a mandate. A mandate to finally ensure women the respect, dignity and equality we all deserve! This is now. This is our call to action. Once and for all, let's take back the power that is so inherently and naturally ours!

Thank you   Lesley Gore

CREDITS... Creative cast & crew:
Alexa Chung
Alia Shawkat
Amy Rose Spiegel
Ana Calderon
Anna Fitzpatrick
Arrow and Ada
Barb Morrison
Becky Stark
Brodie Lancaster
Carlen Altman
Carrie Brownstein
Cassie Carello
Chapin Sisters
Courtney Hall
Courtney Martin
Elle Wagner
Erika Spring
Hannah Johnson
India Menuez
Judith Iocovozzi
Kate Nash
Kate Urcioli
Katy Goodman
Kime Buzzelli
Krista Bachmeier
Kristina Uriegas
Leah Siegel
Lena Dunham
Lesley Gore
Lisa Mayock
Lucy Moffatt
Madelyne Beckles
Mae Whitman
Maria Valencia
Meg Olsen
Melissa Coker
Mia Moretti & Caitlin Moe
Mia Lidofsky
Miranda July
Natalia Czajkiewicz
Natasha Lyonne
Petra Collins
Rachel Antonoff
Rain Phoenix
Ruby Karp
Ryan Roche
Sarah Sophie Flicker
Shae Detar
Sophie Buhai
Tracee Ellis Ross

Thank you Lesley

You can buy Lesley Gore's music here 

 Link to PAPERMAG, how the made the PSA, by Abby Schreiber

Link to Washington Post article by Suzi Parker, '1960s teen idol Lesley Gore leads charge in ‘You Don’t Own Me’ video"

Revenge of the Creatives XLIII

Elvis Costello...

Jump Up


Do something... Vote Obama

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Revenge of the Creatives XLII

May the force be with us, in the next few 
Star Wars Flashmob auf dem Wallrafplatz 

May the force be with all of us, from the 
WDR Sinfonieorchester Köln, a German 
orchestra based in Cologne.

Vote Obama on November 6, or earlier

Friday, October 12, 2012

Revenge of the Creatives XLI


How do they support the troops in New Zealand? With a fake magnetic ribbon on the back of the SUV? 

Hell no... 


Released by the New Zealand Defence Force on 27 August 2012

On 19 August an IED strike took the lives of three New Zealand troops in Afghanistan.  Lost were Corporal Luke Tamatea, 31, Private Richard Harris, 21, and Lance Corporal Jacinda Baker, 26, medic.

Jacinda was the first New Zealand female killed in Afghanistan.  The strike occurred in Bamiyan Province which has become increasingly dangerous.  Two Kiwi troops were killed there earlier this month.  In the past, Bamiyan has been touted as a vacation spot during the war, with regular flights into the region.

The New Zealand Defence Force released the following video of hundreds of troops performing a Maori funeral Haka at the Burnham Military Camp near Christchurch:

Smartphone link here

"Haka is used throughout New Zealand by many, not only Māori, to demonstrate their collective thoughts. There is a haka for each of the Services, as well as the Defence Force. Units with the NZ Army have their own haka. This video shows the soldiers of 2/1 RNZIR Battalion performing their Unit haka, powerfully acknowledging the lives and feats of their fallen comrades as they come onto the Unit's parade ground. It is also an emotive farewell for they will leave via the waharoa (the carved entrance way) for the very last time.

"Haka --sometimes termed a posture dance could also be described as a chant with actions. There are various forms of haka; some with weapons some without, some have set actions others may be 'free style.' Haka is used by M
āori (indigenous people of New Zealand) for a myriad of reasons; to challenge or express defiance or contempt, to demonstrate approval or appreciation, to encourage or to discourage, to acknowledge feats and achievements, to welcome, to farewell, as an expression of pride, happiness or sorrow. There is almost no inappropriate occasion for haka; it is an outward display of inner thoughts and emotions. Within the context of an occasion it is abundantly clear which emotion is being expressed."

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Revenge of the Creatives XL

 Australian Prime Minister, Julia Gillard’s Misogyny Speech

I have called out Republicans, Red Rupert Murdoch, Roger Eugene Ailes, and even the a failed Republican member of congress, Devin Nunes for their misogyny.

Julia Gillard’s statement to the Australian Parliament is  a powerful rejection of misogynistic conduct and it is also a great tutorial on how Obama can lay it out to the Republicans, for their racism about him and their racism and misogyny about his wife.

This speech by Julia Gillard is a must watch by all civilized people

Do something... vote OBAMA

Best regards

Smart Phone link here

Read the October 9 article, in The New Yorker on Julia's speech here

A TOTH to Trevor

Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Revenge of the Creatives XXXIX

Compare Romney's debate statements 
on education, last week... 

with the reality of his actions



Revenge of the Creatives XXXVIII

Romney's plan to make America safe...


For mobile, if you have trouble viewing...

Sunday, October 07, 2012

Revenge of the Creatices XXXVII


Crucify Your Mind

Thank you Dave, you are the man and thank you CBS...

Revenge of the Creatives XXXVI

Guinness Tipping Point Commercial... 


Thanks you Suza Horvat, Nicolai Fuglsig and their entire creative team. Finally thank you Guinness.

Revenge of the Creatives XXXV

Rube Goldberg Freerunning

Thank you Jason Paul his crew and Red Bull

Thursday, October 04, 2012

Revenge of the Creatives XXXIV

Trevor explains a problem seen last 
night on the Obama Romney debate...

Thanks and ATOTH to Trevor