If you don't know what Fukushima
Daiichi is, Google it.
ReCriticality, if you don't know what
this is, Google it
Fukushima Daiichi reached the
"Tipping Point" for ReCriticality, 8
days ago and if we don't get there,
it's only because she is a woman
with a fierce sense of humor.
And why is it that ReCriticality is a
word that cannot be spoken or printed...
well, we have been lied to since 1952,
about it's possibility.
Japan’s Prime Minister
Says Can’t Let Down
PS: There are almost 2,000 tons of
Plutonium rich spent fuel stored
in the Reactor buildings at Daiichi,
high density, double stacked in
empty or leaking pools. The only thing
preventing a BIG BANG is a small
amount of residual Boron on the tubes.
But don't worry they are rinsing the Boron
off, by pumping in non-Boron treated
seawater in an attempt put the fires out...
A BIG BANG heard around the World.
Labels: And the Republicans want to ban CFL's