Monday, March 19, 2012

Revenge of the Creatives VII... Does the Patriot Act really make the Homeland Secure?

Hell no... however, we have handed Al Queda  much, more than they ever dreamed of. The erosion of our constitutionally guaranteed freedoms by the Patriot act, will be seen by historians as the complete deconstruction of our democracy. It is time to stand up to the Washington coup d'état that took place after 9/11 and say, NO MORE. We can't wait for the historians.

I was designated a "SELECTEE" by the W administration and members of the new secret police of the FBI and Homeland Security. They called on my client base and "BLACK LISTED" me... Why? Because I hang out with my friends, the ladies of CODEPINK, that's correct the  WOMEN FOR PEACE gang... 

...and if you look at the current attack on women by the Republican Party and all the other deranged bastards on the right... we can with fair and balance certainty, label Devon Nunes and all other Republicans... "MISOGYNISTS".

Just apply the Harry Truman test, 'If it quacks like a Duck, walks like a Duck and craps all over the street like a Duck. 'IT'S A DUCK'. In this case, if they mount an attack of historic proportions on all women, they are MISOGYNISTS

Yes Virginia there are MISOGYNISTS loose and there is a Black List in the twenty-first century! The great Studs Turkel told me about a year before his death on October 31, 2008, that things are much worse now than during the late 40's and 50's were with McCarthyism. His final words to me were, "Give the bastards hell Bennie, and never quit."

Here are just two examples of why we all must, 'Give the bastards hell, and never quit.'

TSA Nabs Suspected Al Queda Terrorist At O'Hare International Airport

Democratic Senators Issue Strong
Warning About Use of the Patriot Act 

Do something

Regards from the Creatives




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