Saturday, September 27, 2008

Where My Mind Went After the Debate


this is what ran through my mind after
i watched the debate...

i may not be the expert on foreign policy..
and i'm definitely not a politician...
but i've been fortunate enough to have
traveled the world and i have been to more
countries in 6 months than most people
have in their whole lives...
and i know how
people feel, how real "people" feel about

i may not know everything about Iraq
and why we are even fighting...
most people in America can't even
explain why we even went to Iraq...

and this is why people abroad have
mixed feelings about America...

they can see the disconnect... they
can see that president bush misrep-
resented the American people to the
rest of the world...
they can see that
george bush's definition of homeland
security is a joke...
if we invested
money in education and new jobs
after 9/11, in my opinion we wouldn't
be here...
how can we fight terror
when we as Americans are terrified
every week with a potential rise in
the gas prices...?
how can we fight
terror when we as Americans are
losing jobs because companies are
sending work overseas...?
how can
we fight terror when our education in
America is poor...?
how can we call
it homeland security when we can't
secure our homeland with opportunities...?

i know this debate was on foreign policy...
but... if we focused on our domestic
problems "like" regulating banks then
we wouldn't be in this economic crisis..

if we focused on our domestic problems
"like" creating new jobs around renewable
energy five years ago we would be a lot
further in relieving ourselves from foreign
i'm glad that senator obama brought
these domestic issues to a foreign policy
because fixing "home" would
alter our foreign relations...
investing in "home" would allow America
to add value in the world other than our
maybe investing in "home"
would make the rest of the world have
faith in our judgment...

how can anyone take us seriously when
we allow a group of people hiding in
caves to effect the world's "superpower"...?

and this is what i see when i travel...
this is what people told me when ive
played in China, Japan, S.Korea, Indonesia,
Bangkok, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines,
Kazakhstan, turkey, Moscow, Israel, Ethiopia,
Nigeria, s. Africa, Bahrain, Spain, London,
Germany, France, Monaco, Lithuania,
Romania, Slovakia, Kiev, Brazil, Nicaragua,
Venezuela, Chile, Argentina, El Salvador,
Panama, Columbia...

just to name a few places we played in
so i may not know about foreign
but i know how they feel about
i know how they feel about the BIG
and that's us... the people... it's the
regular people that are theones who are
going to suffer...
us... "we" have to pay
back that 800-billion dollars because of
lack of regulations...
we have to pay that
back with our tax dollars...
and that's the
cause of not protecting our home...
should put security where security needs
to be...
i'm terrified if we are to have 4 more
bush-like years...
we can't afford it... and i
applaud obama for talking about "home"
at a foreign policy debate...

like my mama told me...

"you cant tell nobody to clean their room
if your room is dirty"

September 27, 2008, 02:36 AM (EST)



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